We specialise in web design for schools.
Websites that work are websites that will get results. If your website doesn’t serve the purpose for which your users have come, then they will leave. Your website needs to be simple, user-friendly, informative, and clear.
Badly thought out, malfunctioning, or slow and uninteresting websites can affect how your audience perceive you. Ask yourself, would you go to a baker who has dirty hands?
Check out our previous work here.
Why do schools need web design?
The simple answer is because your school needs a website. If it requires improvement then your audience will think that your school requires improvement.
Unless you’re a brand new school you probably already have a website. Are you proud of it? Does it just ‘do its job’? Does it show you in your best light? Is it easy to use? Does it load quickly and properly? Does it tell you who’s visited it, from where, what they looked at and for how long? Does it change automatically to accommodate a users preferences, based on their previous interactions with you, your site, your social media channels? There is always room for improvement.
A website is so much more than somewhere to house your headteacher’s welcome and a link to your latest Ofsted report.
A great website can keep your audience updated, informed and entertained whilst learning about your school. Don’t think of it as just a website - it’s probably the first experience of your school that a potential pupil will have. So make sure that their first impression of your school, is a good one.
“A successful website will do three things:
1. Attract the right kinds of visitors.
2. Guide them to the main services or product you offer.
3. Collect contact details for future ongoing communication.”
― Mohamed Saad
Our web design services are commonly used alongside:

How do Company Ten use web design to help my school?
We have a team of incredible web designers and web developers who specialise in making user-friendly, modern and fresh websites. It’s their job to create you an attractive and functional website either from scratch, or to improve your current site. Company Ten designers can work on one-off projects, or as part of a larger on going project where web design is one of the services. See how it works here…

Our events about: web design
Join one of our upcoming free training events covering web design.
Related Company Ten services: Design - Graphic Design, Web Design. Social Media - Management, Strategy, Training. Content Creation - Video Production, Photography, Aerial, Photography, Audio Production, Podcast Production, 360° Virtual tours, Virtual Reality, Live Broadcasting. Digital Marketing - Facebook Ads, Google Ads, LinkedIn Ads, SEO, Auditing, Training
Happy to help.
We’d love to talk to you about improving your school’s website.
Call now, drop us an email, fill in the form or schedule a call-back - we’d love to talk to you about how we can help you get the best results from your school’s website and digital marketing.
tel: 0333 090 8064