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Digital marketing
adjective /ˈdɪdʒ.ɪ.təl/ noun /ˈmɑː.kɪ.tɪŋ/
the action or business of promoting and selling products or services, including market research and advertising, involving or relating to the use of computer technology.
Not all schools can afford to hire a £60k a year marketing professional, to help them grow. But that doesn’t mean that the shouldn’t have access to industry leading professionals, techniques and processes. Our consultancy packages can fit to any school’s budget.
Facebook Ads
We use Facebook Ads to get your stories and messages in front of your audience on Facebook and Instagram. Without Facebook Ads, your posts will only be seen by ≤2% of your school’s followers. We can show it to the other 98%, as well as a lot of other people that should be followers.
TikTok Ads
Have you heard of TikTok? Your students certainly have.
Do you use it? Your students certainly do.
Getting in front of your audience and grabbing their attention is one of the first rules of digital marketing and advertising.
LinkedIn Ads
When a teaching position becomes available at your school, how do you currently promote the vacancy? Are you getting the best candidates available?
We use LinkedIn adverts to get your school in front of the most vibrant, exciting and dedicated teachers - looking for a new opportunity.
Not all schools need Search Engine Optimisation…just the ones that want people to know about them.
SEO does exactly what it says on the tin. Our SEO experts will work with your website and your social media to make sure that your school appears at the top of Google organic results when a user searches for ‘Best school in my area’, and not when they search ‘Schools with haunted gymnasiums.’
We can’t make you digital marketing experts, but we can teach you about the how, what, where and why of digital marketing.
We can teach your school and your staff the principals of digital marketing. We’ll train you in the do’s and don’ts of design, social media, content creation, digital marketing and advertising. We even offer a taster version of this for free.
It’s possible that you have all of the right pieces in play, but your digital marketing/advertising is still not working properly. Often, all it takes to get the motor running again is a thorough check-over and couple of tweaks. Sometimes it takes a little more to uncover the root cause. Either way, our experts will find the problem and offer a solution.
Google Ads
We use Google ads to make sure that people find you when they search for ‘good school near me’, or ‘which school is best school for my daughter’s passion for cricket?’
It’s true what they say. “If it isn’t on Google, then it doesn’t exist.”

Our blogs about: Digital marketing
Check out our blogs about all things digital marketing.

Our events about: Digital marketing
Join one of our upcoming free training events covering digital marketing.
If you have any questions about digital marketing, how Company Ten use it to help schools grow, or anything else, then leave us your contact email and we’ll be in touch. Or book a call that fits around your schedule.
tel: 0333 090 8064