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Content creation services
noun /kənˈtent/ /kriˈeɪ.ʃən/
the action or process of bringing into existence information made available by a website or other electronic medium.
Video production
Video is the most popular and engaged with form of content. Using video as a means of communication allows you control the narrative and tell your story. You are able to shine a light on the your best bits.
We make beautiful videos that tell the stories that your audience need to see.
A school that utilises professional photography compared to one that uses amateur photography, could be the difference between being seen as professional or not. Who would want to send their child to a school that is anything but professional?
We use photography to regularly present the best bits of your school.
Aerial photography
Grabbing people’s attention is the first rule of advertising and it’s the key to growing an audience. Utilising new and exciting visual content is one way of creating media that grabs attention and generates interest.
We use aerial photography to present a school’s facilities quickly and effectively, from an angle that is rarely seen by the public.
360° Virtual tours
Using the latest Matterport® technology, we create stunning virtual tours of schools, facilities and grounds. Allowing your audience and potential pupils to explore your school at their leisure and their own pace.
Explore examples of what we could do for your school here.
Live broadcasting
Company Ten can deliver a ‘TV-style’ live broadcast which can be recorded and presented as a stand-alone piece of content at a later date as well. Live broadcasting, or streaming, provides opportunities for live Q&As, live interactions and live feedback. This goes a long way in portraying a professionalism and quality that you don’t get….with-..a-…vir—-ual-…—-…open.-.—. .vening.—-.-…that..—.-…—-keeps cut—-.- out.

Our blogs about: Content creation
Check out our blogs about all things content creation.

Our events about: Content creation
Join one of our upcoming free training events covering content creation.
If you’ve got any questions about content creation, how to use it properly, how it can help your school (or anything else for that matter) then leave us your contact email and we’ll be in touch.
Alternatively send us an email, or book a call that fits around your schedule.
tel: 0333 090 8064
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